HUO XIN WAN Pills 活心丸 | Pills (concentrated pills) 丸剂 (浓缩丸) | Each core pill weighs 20mg 每素丸重20mg | Nourish Qi and activate blood circulation, warm meridians and dredge the channels 益气活血,温经通脉 |
XIN LI WAN Pills 心力丸 | Pills (concentrated pills) 丸剂 (浓缩丸) | Each 10 pills weigh 0.4g 每10丸重0.4g | Warm Yang and strengthen heart, remove blood stasis and relieve pain 益气温阳强心,活血化瘀止痛 |
Compound Danshen Tablets 复方丹参片 | Tablets 片剂 | Each tab weighs 0.32g (equal to 0.6g of decoction pieces) 每片重0.32g (相当于饮片0.6g) | Promote blood circulation and remove stasis, regulate Qi and relieve pain 活血化瘀,理气止痛 |
Ginkgo Leaves Tablets 银杏叶片 | Tablets 片剂 | Each tab contains 9.6mg of total flavonol glycosides and 2.4mg of terpenoid lactones 每片含总黄酮醇苷9.6mg,萜类内酯2.4mg | Promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis 活血化瘀通络 |
Breviscapine Tablets 灯盏花素片 | Tablets 片剂 | Each tab contains 20mg breviscapine. 每片含灯盏花素20mg | Activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, dredge meridians and relieve pain 活血化瘀,通络止痛 |
BAI RUI Capsules 百蕊胶囊 | Capsules 胶囊剂 | 0.3g/capsule 每粒装0.3g | Relieve in-vivo heat and inflammation, and resolve cough and phlegm 清热消炎,止咳化痰 |
Banlangen Granules 板蓝根颗粒 | Granules 颗粒剂 | 10g/bag (equal to 14g of decoction pieces) 每袋装10g (相当于饮片 14g) | Remove endogenic heat in blood and other pathogens from the body, and relieve sore throat 清热解毒,凉血利咽 |
Compound Granules of Honeysuckle Flower 复方金银花颗粒 | Granules 颗粒剂 | Each 1g is equal to 0.35g of decoction pieces 每1g相当于饮片0.35g | Remove endogenic heat in blood and other pathogens from the body, and reduce swelling 清热解毒,凉血消肿 |
Xiasangju Granules 夏桑菊颗粒 | Granules 颗粒剂 | 10g/bag 每袋装10g | Clear liver and improve vision, dislodge wind and disperse heat in vivo 清肝明目,疏风散热 |
Huanglian Shangqing Capsules 黄连上清胶囊 | Capsules 胶囊剂 | 0.4g/capsule 每粒装0.4g | Clear heat and relieve constipation, dissipate wind and relieve pain 清热通便,散风止痛 |